Our Team

Josephine Lam


Josephine is a third generation Chinese Australian from Fujian. She studied at Pei Qiao Junior School in Hong Kong. In 1982 she went to Japan and studied business Management in Sanno University in Jiyugaoka and awarded a bachelor degree in 1987. In 1988 she migrated to Australian for her post-graduate studies. In 2001 she set up the Australian Fujian Association 

Professor Qi Ruying


Professor Qi Ruying points out that children who participate in bilingual education from early years tend to gain advantage especially in developmental thinking and memory recognition over those who have only experienced a mono-lingual society. Professor Qi Ruying is considered a world leader in early childhood education research into Chinese language skills.

Dr. Bronwen Wade-Leeuwen


Dr. Bronwen Wade-Leeuwen teaches in teacher education and focuses her research on fostering creativity in teachers. Dr. Wade has conducted more than twenty creativity workshops around the world and written widely in this area. Both Professor Qi and Dr. Wade will be collaborating on several projects at the Chinese Leaning Centre.